Uma vez que a lista de espera por bilhetes ronda os 8/10 anos... Seria um óptimo presente pelo meu 40.º aniversário!...
Festival Bayreuth
Mais info sobre este extraordinário festival AQUI.
Pode ser que até tenha sorte e calhe num ano em que encenem Tristão e Isolda. Isso é que era!...
A grande Waltraud Meier como Isolde em Bayreuth.
Mild und leise, wie er lächelt / Softly and gently, see him smiling
Wie das Auge hold er öffnet, / How the eyes that open fondly,
seht iht, Freunde? / see it Friend?
Seht ihr’s nicht? / Don’t you see?
Immerlichter, wie er leuchtet / Ever lighter, how he’s shining
Sternumstrahlet hoch sich hebt? / Borne on high amongst the stars?
Seht ihrs nicht? / Don’t you see?
Wie das Herz ihm muthig schwillt / How his heart so bravely swells
Voll und hehr im Busen ihm quillt? / Full and calm it throbs in his breast?
Wie den Lippen, wonnig mild, / As from lips so joyfully mild,
süsser Athem sanft entweht / sweet the breath that softly stirs
Freunde! Seht! / Friends! Look!
Fühlt und seht ihr’s nicht? / Don’t you feel and see it?
Höre ich nur diese Wiese / It is only I that hear this way
Die so wundervoll und leise / So wondrous and gentle
Wonne klagend, Alles sagend, / Joyously sounding, telling all things,
mild versöhnend / reconciling
Aus ihm tönend, in mich dringet, / Sounding from him, penetrating me,
auf sich schwinget / rising upward swinging on itself
Hold erhallend um mich klinget / Echoes fondly around me ringing
Heller schallend, mich um wallend, / Ever clearer, wafting round me,
sind es Wellen sanfter Lüfte? / are they waves of gentle breezes?
Sind es Wolken wonniger Düfte? / Are they clouds of gladdening sweet frangrance?
Wie sie schwellen, mich umrauschen, / As they swell and murmur round me,
soll ich athmen, soll ich lauschen? / shall I breathe them, shall I listen?
Soll ich schlüfgen, untertauchen? / Shall I sip them, plunge beneath them?
Süß in Düften mich verhauchen? / Breathe my last amid their sweet smell?
In dem wogenden Schwall / In the billowy surge,
in dem tönenden Schall / in the gush of sound
In des Weltathems, wehenden All / In the World’s Spirit’s, Infinite All
Ertrinken, versinken, unbewusst / To drown now, sinking, unconscious, void of all thought
Höchste Lust! / Highest Bliss/Desire!
É lindo! Não há palavras... Só pele arrepiada...
1 comentário:
Isto lembra-me uma conversa muito recente e interessante...reserva para mim tb e vamos os 2, porque será que as coisas boas custam sempre tanto?
Entretanto, vou ter de ver se encontro o DVD do Anel dos Nibelungos realizado pelo Patrice Chereau e conduzido pelo Pierre Boulez, parece-me magnifico!!!
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